Unlocking Your Business's Future Potential

Empowering Leaders with Systemic Wisdom 

Is your company reaching its full potential?

Are you ready to embark on the path to becoming a future-ready business leader, team or organisation?

Discover the power of systemic wisdom and unlock your business's boundless future potential today.

What we do?

Systemic Shifts® is a transformational reinvention and business growth program for business leaders, business executives and leadership teams to unlock the full potential by discovering which hidden patterns are present in the undercurrent.

  • Systemic Business Design is an approach to business strategy and innovation that focuses on understanding and optimizing the entire system of a business, rather than just its individual components. This approach considers the interrelationships between various elements of the business, such as its processes, people, technology, and external environment, to create more effective and sustainable solutions.

  • Systemic Consulting

  • Systemic Organization Design is an approach to structuring and managing organizations that takes into account the complexity and interrelatedness of various elements within and outside the organization. Unlike traditional organizational design, which often focuses on hierarchical structures and clearly defined roles and responsibilities, systemic organization design looks at the organization as a complex, adaptive system. The aim is to create a more agile, responsive, and effective organization that can adapt to changing conditions and challenges.

  • Systemic Masterclasses

  • Unleash your business potential


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Who are we?

Systemic Shifts was founded by Wouter Gheysen. Together with like-minded people, we are on a mission to use our knowledge and skills of systemic constellations and systemic work to create future-ready business leaders, teams and organizations.

Systemic constellations, also known as Organization Constellations, are methodologies that help uncover the dynamics of a group or system (e.g., family, organization, community) and how these underlying dynamics impact an individual's behavior, beliefs, and relationships. This technique offers several advantages:

  1. Deep Insights: Systemic constellations can offer profound insights into complex systems. They can reveal unconscious patterns, relationships, and dynamics affecting the functioning of individuals within the system.

  2. Problem Resolution: By making visible the underlying dynamics and disruptions in the system, systemic constellations can aid in resolving issues or conflicts.

  3. Personal Growth: Participating in a constellation can lead to personal growth and development. It can assist in letting go of old patterns and fostering new perspectives.

  4. Improved Relationships: Systemic constellations can facilitate the improvement of relationships within a system. They can bring to light unspoken feelings, hidden loyalties, and subconscious beliefs influencing relationships.

  5. Addressing Root Causes: Often, people focus on symptoms of problems without addressing the underlying issues. Systemic constellations can help identify and address deeper, hidden issues.

  6. Empowerment: The process can empower individuals to break free from patterns that have held them back, enabling them to move forward with more clarity and confidence.

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